26 August 2014

Houston International Quilt Festival 2014

Please join us this year at:
Houston International Quilt Festival!
October 29 - November 2, 2014

We will be returning with a larger booth so you can actually move around, see all our new designs, and fondle the beautiful wool David has been busily dyeing.

20 August 2014

Autumn is almost here!! Even in Texas....

Autumn is my favorite time of year! It could be that my birthday (October) skews things a bit, but Halloween and Thanksgiving are right up there on the list of things that make me happy.

Speaking of those glorious Fall holidays.....

We have loads of patterns featuring pumpkins, scarecrows, cats, crows, etc. for your Autumn decor and gifts!

Have a look at our Etsy shop or visit us at an upcoming show - we'd love to hear from you.


Sept. 12-14 - Austin Area Quilt Guild show at Palmer Events Center
Sept. 19-20 - Trinity Valley Quilt Show at Will Rogers Coliseum
Sept. 26-27 - Weatherford, Texas Guild Show

Oct. 29-Nov. 2 - International Quilt Festival at Houston